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Window of oppurtunity | Found this magical place at La Palma and had to take the opportunity to shoot the Orion constellation out of the cave. Cueva de Candelaria (La Palma)  - Realized with Pictrs.comStargate | Another one from the Cueva de Candelaria (La Palma) The Orion constellation seen from inside the cave. - Realized with Pictrs.comArches | The winter Milky Way of the Northern Hemisphere arching over the Roque des los Muchachos in La Palma. But there are more arches. The arch of the Zodiac Light from the right, colliding with planet Jupiter and then joining the Milky Way. And there is also an Arch of sand in the air, as it was a heavy Calima (sandstorm). - Realized with Pictrs.comDreamscape | Calima ... a sandstorm at La Palma. The sand reflects the lights from Santa Domingo in the most dreamy colours and everything is blurred by the sand in the air. To the right one could spot the Orion constellation. - Realized with Pictrs.comsea of dreams ... | the stars, the light at the horizon, the sea ... the dreams
Shot at Santa Domingo at La Palma - Realized with

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