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5 galaxies | a widefield pano from the dessert in Namibia. at least 5 galaxies ares´visible. The large and the small Magellanic Clouds, Andromeda, the Traingulum Galaxy and our home galaxy the Milky Way. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comA movie full of stars | Another one from the dessert in Namibia. Sit down and enjoy the show the sky has to offer! - Realizzato con Pictrs.comCatching stars | Trying to catch the Large Magellanic Cloud at the Kiripotib Astrofarm (Namibia) 360 dregrees Pano Milky Way pano - Realizzato con Pictrs.comPrivate Disco | The Milky Way arching over Roque des los Muchachos at La Palma. 360 degrees pano. - Realizzato con